Eagle Lake’s Stormwater and Climate Resiliency Project
Strengthening Eagle Lake’s Stormwater and Climate Resiliency Project
To learn more about the project and provide feedback, scan the QR code or visit Strengthening the City of Eagle Lake’s Climate | Social Pinpoint (mysocialpinpoint.com). There are two ways to participate – complete a short survey about your experiences and thoughts, and/or place notes on an interactive map to share your ideas.
The City of Eagle Lake was awarded a planning grant in the amount of $48,680 from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) for its “Increasing Stormwater and Community Resilience in the City of Eagle Lake” project. Contact Jennifer J. Bromeland, Eagle Lake City Administrator, with any questions at jbromeland@eaglelakemn.com or 507-257-3218. Your ideas matter! We hope that you can take a few minutes to provide feedback. Thank you in advance!