City of Eagle Lake Administration

City of Eagle Lake
705 Parkway Avenue
PO Box 159
Eagle Lake MN 56024
Phone: 507.257.3218
Fax: 507.257.3220

City Office Hours
Monday – Friday 7:30 am – 4:30 pm

For your convenience, a utility payment box is located on the East side of the City Hall building. This box is emptied at least once a day.

Current members include:

Jennifer Bromeland
Jennifer Bromeland
City Administrator
Kerry Rausch
Kerry Rausch
Deputy Clerk
Jodie Barta
Jodie Barta
Administrative Clerk

City of Eagle Lake Public Works Department

The City of Eagle Lake Public Works Department is located at 90 LeRay Ave.

Andrew Hartman
Andrew Hartman
Public Works Director
Michael Nicklay
Mike Nicklay
Public Works Supervisor
Nathan Ruel
Nathan Ruel
Public Works Worker
Jake Beckmann
Jake Beckmann
Public Works Worker
Jake Beckmann2
Jim Anderson
Part-Time Public Works Worker

Public Safety

The City of Eagle Lake is partnering with the Blue Earth County Sheriff’s Office to provide policing in the community and meet the public safety needs of residents and businesses.

A contract was approved by both the Eagle Lake City Council and Blue Earth County Board of Commissioners and took effect January 1, 2024. The new contract replaced the Eagle Lake Police Department and provides the City with dedicated law enforcement coverage from the county 18-20 hours a day, Monday-Friday, and 12 hours a day, Saturday-Sunday.  All other times and resources will be covered with a response from the Sheriff’s Office at no additional cost to the city. This new agreement ensures 24/7 coverage for Eagle Lake.

Where do I call to report a crime or other law enforcement concern?

If there is an emergency, call 911.  For non-emergencies, you can call a 24/7 non-emergency line at 507.304.4863 and your call will be answered by the Blue Earth County Dispatch Center.

How can I receive a copy of a report or access other law enforcement records?

Contact the Blue Earth County Sheriff’s Office Records Division at 507.304.4814.

Where do I go if I need to speak with a Deputy?

Deputies that are assigned to Eagle Lake will be using the Police Office in City Hall.  Driving to City Hall to contact a Deputy is not recommended.  Instead, call the Sheriff’s 24/7 non-emergency line at 507.304.4863.  A Deputy can return your call, arrange to meet you, or drive to your location.  If it is an emergency, call 911.

City of Eagle Lake Fire Department

The City of Eagle Lake is proud to have had an excellent Volunteer Fire Department for over 50 years.

Vern Simpson II, Fire Chief