City Council
City Council
City Council members are elected officials and consist of the Mayor – two-year term of office – and four Council members – four year term of office. Elections are held in even-numbered years. City Council meetings are held at 6:00 pm on the first Monday of each month and are held in the City Hall Council Chambers. Meetings are open to the public – you are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Rules of Conduct for Eagle Lake City Council Meetings
Click here if you have a question or comment you’d like to share with the City Council.
APPLICATION for Boards and Commissions.
Current members include:
- Audits & Budgets
- City Code
- City Council, Boards and Commissions
- City Departments & Staff
- City Newsletters
- Current Construction Projects
- EAB Management Plan and Other Resources
- Employment Opportunities
- Meeting Agendas & Packets
- Meetings and Public Notices
- Meeting Minutes
- MS4 Community and Stormwater Pond Information
- Parks Project
- Audits & Budgets
- City Code
- City Council, Boards and Commissions
- City Departments & Staff
- City Newsletters
- Current Construction Projects
- EAB Management Plan and Other Resources
- Employment Opportunities
- Meeting Agendas & Packets
- Meetings and Public Notices
- Meeting Minutes
- MS4 Community and Stormwater Pond Information
- Parks Project
Economic Development Authority (EDA)
The Economic Development Authority (EDA) coordinates and administers economic development plans and programs of the City.
The EDA consists of five commissioners and two City Council members. Current members include: Brian Hughes – Chairman; Jim Beal, Christine Black-Hughes, Brooke Wach, and Anthony Dickmeyer – community members; Anthony White – City Council member; John Whitington – Mayor; and the City Administrator (staff). EDA meetings are held at 6:45 am on the fourth Thursday of each month and are held in the City Hall Council Chambers. Meetings are open to the public – you are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission reviews land use issues such as variances, conditional use permits, plats, street vacations and other requests. Questions regarding applications and whether Planning Commission action is required or requests to have an item placed on the agenda need to be directed to the Community Development Coordinator.
The Planning Commission consists of seven commissioners. Current members included: Trent Talle – Chairman; Ray Beckel – Vice-Chairman; Jan Hughes, Michael Hughes, Tom Barna, Aaron Stubbs, Michael McCarty, Richard Garvey, and Paul Bunkowske – Commissioners; and the Community Development Coordinator and the City Administrator (staff). Planning Commission meetings are held at 6:00 pm on the third Monday of each month and are held in the City Hall Council Chambers. Meetings are open to the public – you are welcome and encouraged to attend. There is currently two vacant spots on the Planning Commission. If you are interested, please contact City Hall.
Park Board
The Park Board reviews programming for existing parks and reviews areas for future parks.
The Park Board consists of five adult and two youth (ages 14-18) community members and two City Council members. Current members include: Joan Back, Shane Wendland, Don Wesely, and Ryan Short – community members; Beth Rohrich and Anthony White – City Council members; Adisyn Mankse – Youth member; Andrew Hartman – Public Works Director and the City Administrator (staff). Park Board meetings are held at 6:45 am on the second Thursday of each month and are held in the City Hall Council Chambers. Meetings are open to the public – you are welcome and encouraged to attend.