Eagle Lake’s Climate Impact Corps Member for 2024-2025 Service Term

We welcome Luke Drummer as Eagle Lake’s Climate Impact Corps member with the AmeriCorps for the 2024-2025 service term. 

Luke grew up in Mankato and graduated from Mankato East High School.  He obtained a bachelor’s degree at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities where he majored in ecology, evolution, and behavior science.  While attending university, Luke worked in various research labs studying everything from tree frog mating to soil composition.  Luke hopes to use the knowledge and skills that he gained during his studies to help protect the natural resources of Eagle Lake.  You may see Luke around town planting trees or pulling weeds, and he is excited to help answer any questions that you may have related to trees and environmental sustainability.

AmeriCorps members serving in Climate Impact Corps use evidence-based strategies to help communities mitigate and adapt to climate change. Whether preserving tree canopy, weatherizing homes, supporting sustainability projects, or building community around environmental action, members like Luke have the opportunity to give back and make an incredible impact.