Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
7:30 am – 4:30 pm
705 Parkway Avenue
MNDot places the Spring Load Restrictions, we will update this once they have announced the start date for 2020.
Residents can click on this link to fill out a PERMIT APPLICATION. Once completed please take form to the Blue Earth County Justice Center to obtain the permit.
When heavy snowfall events occur (typically 3 inches or more), be sure to listen and watch for radio, TV, email, and website announcements pertaining to emergency parking regulations that may be in effect. Once declared, a Snow Emergency is in effect until an announcement has been made that the Snow Emergency has been lifted.
A. Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the term “Emergency” shall mean any condition upon any public street, including the presence of snow, freezing rain, sleet, ice or other phenomenon, which condition creates, or is likely to create, any hazardous road condition or impedes, or is likely to impede, the free movement of traffic, when such conditions have been declared by the Public Works Director or in his absence, the on-duty Maintenance Worker.
B. Declaration. Upon the existence of an emergency as defined herein, the Public Works Director or in his absence, the on-duty Maintenance Worker, declares that an emergency exists, whereupon such person shall notify the media (radio and TV) and request that such media cooperate with the City in giving notice to such emergency to the community. The emergency regulations set forth below shall become effective one (1) hour after such notice has been given by the City to such news media.
C. Unlawful Acts. During an emergency, it is unlawful for any person, as driver or operator of a vehicle, or as the registered owner of such vehicle, to park, stop or leave standing, or cause, allow, or permit to be parked, stopped or left standing, whether knowingly or unknowingly, any such vehicle upon any city street until the emergency has been lifted.
D. Towing. Upon the existence of an emergency as defined above, the City may tow vehicles in violation of this ordinance as authorized in Minnesota State Statute 169.041.
The City of Eagle Lake has an outdoor ice rink at Lake Eagle Park. The rink is typically ready by the end of December and stays open through February, weather permitting. Using the rink before it is ready is unsafe, can cause damage, and further delays opening. There is no charge to use the rink. Rink hours and conditions are subject to change without notice. Please refer to the attached schedule. Interested in becoming a volunteer, contact City Hall. Even if you can’t become a volunteer, you can still help by shoveling snow when you visit the rink. Just be sure to avoid shoveling snow against the boards and around the edge of the rink. Thank you, and we hope that you can enjoy the rink this winter season!
Please contact City Hall for more information as rates are subject to change.
Thursday; containers should be placed at the curb no later than 7:00 am To learn more about what is recyclable, and which holidays affect pickup dates, contact City Hall at 507.257.3218.
2025 holidays that will affect pickup days. Garbage and recycling will be picked up on Fridays instead of Thursdays.
- New Year’s Day
- Memorial Day
- 4th of July
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
Garbage bag tags can be purchased at the Eagle Express located at 401 Parkway Avenue in Eagle Lake. Contact number is 507.257.3230.
Yes, the drop box is located on the east side of City Hall at 705 Parkway Avenue.
Yes, you can enroll with our ACH Debit Authorization Form or register online with PSN (Payment Service Network).
Yes, we are able to take one-time payments in person or over the phone for utility bill payments only. Residents call also contact PSN directly at 877.885.7968.
Payments are due by the 25th of the month. A late fee will be applied to any past due accounts.
The dates stated on your utility card are your water meter read dates. Your first bill will only have refuse, recycling and tax.
Do you have faucets that are dripping or leaking? Does the toilet fail to shut off after flushing? Is your water softener cycling improperly? A billing period that may include outside summer watering? All these problems can increase your water consumption dramatically.
Eagle Lake’s water hardness level is 18.
Yes, all dogs must be licensed with the City. Please stop by City Hall to fill out the necessary paperwork. Fees can only be paid by cash or check. Be sure to bring along proof of rabies vaccination.
Whenever a building is constructed, or when a building is altered in a way regulated by the building code, a building permit is required before construction starts. You can download an application from the Building and Zoning Permits tab on the City website or by picking one up from the City Office. If you have any further questions, call City Hall at 507.257.3218 or stop by the City office.
The Public Works Department may need to push snow onto the boulevard, which is the right-of-way.
The City of Eagle Lake does not have a compost site. Grass clippings, leaves, prunings, weeds, sod strippings, limbs, branches, logs and vines may be taken to the MN Paving & Material Compost Site. There is a per-bag or per-load fee for the service. For current fees please call SMC at 507.388.3122. The SMC Compost Site is located at 57032 231st Lane in Mankato (231st Lane is one mile north of Highway 14 and the Third Avenue intersection).
At Home:
Load yard waste into reusable containers (be sure open loads are secured and contained)
Keep yard waste separate from brush
Take plants out of pots
At the Compost Site:
Check in at the office
De-bag and unload your waste in the designated area
Unload brush at the designated area
Take containers and bags home
The City of Eagle Lake offers – water, sewer, garbage, and recycling.
Utility Providers in Greater Mankato:
Tator Days is usually the 3rd weekend in July. Tator Days is a community event organized by resident volunteers. Tator Days 2024 will be July 15-20 ( If interested in volunteering, please email or call and include your contact information to or 507.327.6583.
Yes, you can rent out the Council Chambers for private meetings and parties (such as birthday/graduation party; home-based business parties; crafting gatherings; etc.)
Private Meetings: Residents fee: $25.00 per day; Non-resident fee: $50.00 per day
Private Parties: Residents fee: $100.00 per day; Non-residents fee: $150.00 per day
There is a refundable damage deposit of $250 required for all Council Chambers rentals.
The pavilion is able to be rented.
The rental fee for residents is $25 and for non-residents the rental fee is $100. There is a refundable damage deposit of $50 required for all pavilion rentals.
Sirens are meant to warn those who are outdoors. If you hear a siren, turn on a radio or TV to hear safety information and seek shelter immediately. The warning sirens that cover Eagle Lake are activated through the Blue Earth County Communications Center.
The outdoor warning sirens are designed to warn people outdoors to seek shelter and gather additional information through television or radio.
Residents should be made aware of a change in process this year – Blue Earth County will be issuing Tornado Warnings based on the National Weather Service (NWS) polygons. This means that, rather than sounding the sirens throughout the entire county, sirens will only be sounded in the true threat area and not restricted to geographical boundaries (i.e. Blue Earth County in its entirety).
Warning System Testing
To be prepared in the event of an emergency such as a tornado or severe thunderstorm, outdoor warning sirens are tested at 1:00 pm on the first Wednesday of each month.
During these monthly tests you will hear two siren sounds. These two different sirens warn you of possible threats to your community.
The first siren is for tornadoes and other severe weather. The second siren is for other types of emergencies.
Length of Warning Sound
Warning sirens do not sound for the duration of the threat but instead will sound for 3 minutes. Sirens can be reactivated if a new threat enters the area following the initial warning.
Additional Uses
The outdoor sirens will also be used for other emergencies such as a hazardous chemical spill which requires residents to take protective actions. If the sirens are sounding for this type of emergency, the radio or TV announcements will inform you of what actions you should take.
The most common emergency situations involving City of Eagle Lake utilities include: sewer backups, no water or very low water pressure, open manholes, broken fire hydrants, broken water lines within the home, and water main breaks. If you experience a water or sewer emergency, call 507.257.3218 during business hours, Monday-Friday between 7:30 am – 4:30 pm, for assistance. If after business hours, or on weekends and holidays, call 911 and the Blue Earth County Dispatch Center will notify the Eagle Lake Public Works Department.
Did you know? The property owner is responsible for all repairs to service pipes and shut off boxes located between the City main and the private premises served.
Yes, the City of Eagle Lake contracts with Clarke for mosquito control services.