Water Service Line Inventory

A water service line inventory survey was recently mailed to all Eagle Lake residents. The City of Eagle Lake received funding to complete an inventory of all water service lines within the system. The purpose of the inventory survey is to identify the material type of every service line with the ultimate goal being to remove lead pipes from the system. Please respond as soon as possible. Thank you in advance.

The City of Eagle Lake received funding from the Minnesota Department of Health to complete an inventory of all water service lines within the system. You can identify your pipe material by checking your household water services connections inside your home, typically located between the meter and the floor of your basement. See flyer for reference.

If you have any questions, you may contact the City’s engineer with Bolton and Menk, Brian Sarff, at brian.sarff@bolton-menk.com (include “Eagle Lake LSL” in the subject line) or call City Hall at 507-257-3218.


For Minnesota Public Water Systems – Lead Service Line (LSL) Replacement Funding Program

Funding is now available to replace lead service lines (LSL) in Minnesota. The 2023 Minnesota Legislature and the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act are providing funding for LSL replacements in Minnesota. All funding for LSL replacement projects will be provided through the Minnesota Drinking Water Revolving Fund (DWRF) program.

Public Water Systems (PWS) can apply for funding through the DWRF to replace LSLs connected to their system.

Private residents are NOT eligible to apply for funding through the DWRF.

LSL replacements will be done at no cost to the property owner for any privately owned portion of the LSL. The funding will provide a 100% grant for the privately owned portion. The publicly owned portion of the LSL will be replaced using a combination of grant funds and zero interest loan. After the work is completed, the PWS will receive a grant to pay off the loan portion.