a small city with a family friendly atmosphere

Welcome to Eagle Lake

Although many residents work outside of the city, they enjoy the friendly neighborhoods they come home to. The ease of meeting the daily needs of life make Eagle Lake a great place to live.

Eagle Lake Welcome Sign

Presidents' Day

City of Eagle Lake offices will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents’ Day.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

City of Eagle Lake offices will be closed Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Snow Emergency, Effective March 19 from 8AM-8PM

The Eagle Lake Public Works Department has declared a snow emergency for Wednesday, March 19, between the hours of 8AM-8PM. If a vehicle remains in the street during the effective period of the snow emergency and the owner cannot be reached to move the vehicle, it will be towed. To retrieve towed vehicles, please contact Affordable Towing at 507-388-8697. To aid in efficient snow removal, please wait to put out garbage and recycling carts until Thursday morning. Contact City Hall at 507-257-3218 with any questions or concerns.

City Offices Closed

City offices will be closed Monday, November 11th in observance of Veteran’s Day.  Garbage and recycling will be picked up on Thursday as usual.